Wood-Energy Business


  • The circular economy is an economic and industrial model that keeps products, including their components and materials, in circulation for as long as possible to promote sustainability. In this system, the components of an end-of-life product are used over and over again to recreate value, and industrial, agricultural, and household residues are recovered to make new products.
  • Propose a tailor made solution for wood energy user from large energy company and Municipalities to smaller local  user. We privilege a wood circular industry. Since we aimed to reduced  CO2 fingerprint of our biofuel. We concentrate our effort for each production platform at the region level.
  • Optimization of the regional biomass supply chain, in terms of feedstock supply management combined with heat integration process and logistical improvements will bring down prices of wood biofuel over time. The challenge lies then in ensuring an environmentally and socially sustainable value chain to produce a high standard biofuel.
  • Provide torrefaction products as of recyled wood products to energy users that allows to:  optimize storage and combustion at the boiler level and  dust emissions.