Business Principle

  • Regulation Environement : the  environement rules are now in constant evolution. The change in norms and regulation must be anticipated and  decoded worldwide in real time. This aspect  is always taken into consideration in every  biofuel supply strategy that we implement.
  • Infrastructure projects  such as biomass transformation and  biofuel usage require intensive Financial Expenditure. Such costs have to be evaluated  way behind any project  to achieve an adequate return on global investment.
  • R&D and Engineering : We cooperate with  a group of  R&D centers  and technology suppliers specialised in the biomass processing. They provide industrial equipment  ranging from processing wood chips to white and black pellet production.  DTG only promotes industrial technologies that have at least reached a TRL 7 level.  The use of TRLs enables consistent, uniform discussions of technical maturity across different types of technology. .
  • Research and Business networking: Major technology provider in the biomass sector are in small numbers.  DTG has organised a networking with well established R&D organisation*  specialized in biomass energy application.  In order to adress relevant solution  DTG is actively liaising  with  research centers. It  offers us the best chances to provide our customers with the most appropriate technical solution

*  We can cite the CENER (Spain), CEA(France), AEBIOM,(France), Ipen (Russia), RAGT(France), HEIG-VD is the School of Engineering Switzerland,..