• Dark to Green Dev “DTG” is a  young french renewable  energy  company promoting advanced technology projects  for producing  high energy industrial biofuel. DTG  designs and develops  full supply chain EPC projects ranging   from biofeeds to permitting and construction and regulatory and financing.
  • DTG provides an independent biofuel energy solutions to energy companies and industrial companies to replace coal or LNG  by biofuel  made of  wood pellets or other solid biomass; such as white and black pellets and recycled biomass.

Our company aims to be part of the global energy transition to renewable energy in order to reduce industrial and residential greenhouse gases and improve the durable use of biomass energy.


  • You manage a heating network on behalf of communities or private groups large biomass boilers and significant power.
  • You are an industrial company that would like to optimize  its global operation by using a more efficient biomass mix for its  boilers  in tems of  storage/emission/boiler efficiency/cost .
  • You are  Municipality  that operate a small size wood boiler  and you  expect an independent analysis to operate your wood boiler.

Wood-Energy Business


  • The circular economy is an economic and industrial model that keeps products, including their components and materials, in circulation for as long as possible to promote sustainability. In this system, the components of an end-of-life product are used over and over again to recreate value, and industrial, agricultural, and household residues are recovered to make new products.
  • Propose a tailor made solution for wood energy user from large energy company and Municipalities to smaller local  user. We privilege a wood circular industry. Since we aimed to reduced  CO2 fingerprint of our biofuel. We concentrate our effort for each production platform at the region level.
  • Optimization of the regional biomass supply chain, in terms of feedstock supply management combined with heat integration process and logistical improvements will bring down prices of wood biofuel over time. The challenge lies then in ensuring an environmentally and socially sustainable value chain to produce a high standard biofuel.
  • Provide torrefaction products as of recyled wood products to energy users that allows to:  optimize storage and combustion at the boiler level and  dust emissions.



DTG believes that Wood is way too valuable to  be Recklessly  burned as a standard Fuel. 

DTG favors the industrial use of recycled wood .

There is a growing use of recycled wood in France  and in Europe as biomass fuel, used to generate alternative energy.  DTG and its partner have tested the burning and emission properties of these products and analyse several depollution process such as pyrolisis and torrefaction.

DTG intends  to promote bioforestry class A wood chips  

For exemple fragmented rameal wood,  is an uncomposted mixture of crushing residues of wood twigs , mostly from leafy trees. The fragmented wood makes  possible to regenerate naturally and quickly the soils depleted in minerals.

DTG  support forestry operator who are   sorting  the leaves and branches and bark as a onsite  pretreatment in the preparation of class A wood-energy products.

This is why our mission starts at the very early stage of biomass harvesting until its final preparation :  Harvesting => wood chips => White pellet => Black pellet => Brickets and powders.

Faced with growing needs in terms of soil regeneration, the use of FRW offers an economically viable “bio alternative” by making it possible to stop using fertilizers and other pesticides.It is estimated that 75% of the tree’s nutrients are found in branches less than 7 cm in diameter. 


Contact France : Jean-Marc Fossorier –  Project & Development

Contact Mail         :  postmaster@dtg.ovh